Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Flat Classroom Project

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1. What is flat classroom project?
The flat classroom project is a project that tries to lower the walls in classrooms so that students from all around the world can study together and make one big classroom.
2. What books are used as reference to the project? Who are the authors?
The project is mentioned in the 3rd edition of the book The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman.
3. Who created the project? Do you know them?
The people who created the project are Vicki Davis and Julie Lindsay. I have not met Vicki but I have met Julie Lindsay as she taught me for one year when I was in grade

The Flatteners:
Flattener #1: 11/9/89
The fall of the Berlin wall.
Flattener #2: 8/9/95
Flattener #3:
Work Flow Software
Flattener #4:
Flattener #5:
Flattener #6:
Offshoring: Running with Gazelles, Eating with Lions
Flattener #7:
Supply-Chaining: Eating Sushi in Arkansas
Flattener #8:
Insourcing: What the Guys in Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing
Flattener #9:
In-Forming: Google, Yahoo!, and MSN Web Search
Flattener #10:
The Steroids: Digital, Mobile, Personal, and Virtual